Warm Farro and Brussels Sprout Salad

By Sally James
A side dish with color and depth, this farro salad has fresh Brussels sprouts and those classic Thanksgiving touches of cranberry and pecans. Add tea and cranberry sauce for depth and sweetness.


    • Black tea bag
    • Boiling water or stock
    • Brussels sprouts
    • Cranberries
    • Cranberry sauce
    • Farro
    • Fresh basil
    • olive oil
    • Pecans
    • Red Wine Vinegar
    • Rosemary
    • leaves
    • white wine


    1. Trim the ends of the Brussels sprouts and remove any rough outer leaves.
    2. Make a cross-wise slash in the base and parboil for 5-7 minutes or until just tender. Test, by cutting one in half.
    3. Refresh in a bowl of iced water, drain and set aside.
    4. Toast the farro and rosemary in a large, dry saucepan for 2-3 minutes or until aromas escape. Add the wine and bring to a boil, stirring.
    5. Cook until wine is absorbed, then add half the tea or stock. Cook until liquid is absorbed, then continue to stir and add more liquid until grains are tender but firm (like al dente pasta).
    6. Warm the oil over low heat and add the Brussels sprouts to warm through. Stir in the vinegar and cranberry sauce, then add the farro with the cranberries, pecans and basil. Mix well and serve while warm, or as a cold side dish.